VISA... & fangirling

Monday, June 09, 2008

Sorry... I just had to make an unnecessary post... I'm sick, I have to go to work tomorrow & everything seemed dark and sad... '-.-' hehehe... But not anymore... Thanks to jone_records I'll have pretty [[UEDA]] dreams... If you haven't watched Cartoon KAT-TUN ep 61... & you are somewhat... mmm... enamoured (hihihi) with Ueda... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?! you don't even need subs...Again sorry for the senseless post but hey... I had to fangirl eventually... and tonight I have an excellent reason!!!
Oh yeah Miss V/B got her apointment for getting her VISA... WISH HER LUCK EVERYONE!!!
I'll try to get my apointment tomorrow... I'll need some luck too...


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